For full list of publications see:
Highlighted Articles
Addiction Biology
2023. 28:e13253.
Slivicki RA, Earnest T, Chang YH, Pareta R, Casey E, Li JN, Tooley J, Abiraman K, Vachez YM, Wolf DK, Sackey JT, Kumar Pitchai D, Moore T, Gereau RW 4th, Copits BA, Kravitz AV, Creed MC.
Oral oxycodone self-administration leads to features of opioid misuse in male and female mice.
Nature Neuroscience
2021. 24:379-390.
Vachez YM*, Tooley JR*, Abiraman K, Matikainen-Ankeny B, Casey E, Earnest T, Ramos LM, Silberberg H, Godynyuk E, Uddin O, Marconi L, Le Pichon C, Creed M.
Ventral arkypallidal neurons inhibit accumbal firing to promote reward consumption.
Nature Neuroscience
2021. 24(11):1601-1613.
Markovic et al., Pedersen CE, Massaly N, Vachez YMM, Ruyle B, Murphy CA, Abiraman K, Shin JH, Garcia JJ, Yoon HJ, Alvarez VA, Bruchas MR, Creed MC*, Moron JA*. *Equal contribution.
Pain induces adaptations in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons to drive anhedonia-like behavior.
Biological Psychiatry
2018. 15(12):1012-1023
Tooley J, Marconi L, Alipio JB, Matikainen-Ankney B, Georgiou P, Kravitz AV, Creed M.
Glutamatergic ventral pallidal neurons modulate activity of the habenula – tegmental circuitry and constrain reward seeking.
Nature Methods
2017. 14(5):495-503. *Co-first author
Lee D*, Creed M*, Jung K*, Wendler DJ, Oh WC, Mignocchi NL, Lüscher C, and Kwon HB.
Temporally precise labeling and control of neuromodulatory circuits in the mammalian brain.
2015. 347(6222):659-64.
Creed M, Pascoli VP, Lüscher C.
Refining deep brain stimulation to emulate optogenetic treatment of synaptic pathology.
2016. 92(1): 214-226
Creed M, Ntamati R, Chandra R, Lobo MK, Lüshcer C.
Convergence of rewarding and anhedonic effects of cocaine in the ventral pallidum.
Research Articles
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
2022. 16:1044686.
Lubejko ST, Graham RD, Livrizzi G, Schaefer R, Banghart MR, Creed MC.
The role of endogenous opioid neuropeptides in neurostimulation-driven analgesia.
Biological Psychiatry
2023. 93(6):512-523.
Matikainen-Ankney BA, Legaria AA, Pan Y, Vachez YM, Murphy CA, Schaefer RF, McGrath QJ, Wang JG, Bluitt MN, Ankney KC, Norris AJ, Creed MC, Kravitz AV.
Nucleus accumbens D1-receptor expressing spiny projection neurons control food motivation and obesity.
Nature Neuroscience
2021. 24(11):1601-1613.
Markovic et al., Pedersen CE, Massaly N, Vachez YMM, Ruyle B, Murphy CA, Abiraman K, Shin JH, Garcia JJ, Yoon HJ, Alvarez VA, Bruchas MR, Creed MC*, Moron JA*. *Equal contribution.
Pain induces adaptations in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons to drive anhedonia-like behavior.
Nature Neuroscience
2021. 24(11):1601-1613.
Markovic et al., Pedersen CE, Massaly N, Vachez YMM, Ruyle B, Murphy CA, Abiraman K, Shin JH, Garcia JJ, Yoon HJ, Alvarez VA, Bruchas MR, Creed MC*, Moron JA*. *Equal contribution.
Pain induces adaptations in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons to drive anhedonia-like behavior.
2021. 10;e66173
Matikainen-Ankney BA, Earnest T, Ali M, Casey E, Wang J et al..
An open-source device for measuring food intake and operant behavior in rodent home-cages.
Nature Neuroscience
2021. 24:379-390
Vachez YM*, Tooley JR*, Abiraman K, Matikainen-Ankeny B, Casey E, Earnest T, Ramos LM, Silberberg H, Godynyuk E, Uddin O, Marconi L, Le Pichon C, Creed M.
Ventral arkypallidal neurons inhibit accumbal firing to promote reward consumption.